Privacy Policy


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Cookie Statement - below..


Privacy Statement of SharedImpact Foundation Inc.
"SharedImpact Foundation Inc. does not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others."
This site is owned and produced by SharedImpact Foundation Inc. and its subsidiary and affiliate corporations, successors, and assigns (collectively referred to as "SharedImpact Foundation Inc."). We are committed to protecting your privacy.
All SharedImpact Foundation Inc. Products and Services on are made available subject to this Privacy Policy. By using the Products and Services, you agree, without limitation or qualification, to be bound by this policy.
This Privacy Policy discloses our privacy practices. Questions regarding this statement should be directed to:
SharedImpact Foundation Inc. Privacy Co-ordinator 
SharedImpact Foundation Inc.  PO Box 269 Hebron CT 06248 USA  
SharedImpact Foundation Inc. does not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others.
SharedImpact Foundation Inc. may update this policy from time to time so please check this document periodically. If at any point we decide to use personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will prominently display such changes before implementing them. We will also attempt to contact you by email if we have such information. No such change is contemplated.
Information collected here may be either anonymous or personally identifiable.
Anonymous information refers to data that cannot be tied to a specific individual. For example, SharedImpact Foundation Inc. collects some information each time a visitor comes to an SharedImpact Foundation Inc. site so that we can improve the overall quality of the visitor's online experience. SharedImpact Foundation Inc. may collect the visitor's IP, referral data, and browser and platform type. SharedImpact Foundation Inc. collects this user information for purposes of product monitoring and product improvement. You do not have to register with SharedImpact Foundation Inc. before we can collect this anonymous information.
Personally identifiable information refers to data that tells us specifically who you are, such as your name and postal address, which may be collected in addition to the anonymous data described above. You are sharing personally identifiable information with SharedImpact Foundation Inc. when you register to use one or more sites. If you choose to register you may provide SharedImpact Foundation Inc. with your name, postal address, e-mail address, birth date, gender, ZIP/Post code, telephone number, occupation, and other information. In addition to registration for various services on SharedImpact Foundation Inc., we may ask you for personal information at other times. You are not required to register for any services on SharedImpact Foundation Inc. If you choose not to provide the requested information, SharedImpact Foundation Inc. may not be able to offer you some of the personalized services that depend on this type of information to function.
If you contact SharedImpact Foundation Inc., we will keep a record of that correspondence. We use the information provided so that we may respond to you.
As well as the personally identifiable information that SharedImpact Foundation Inc. actively collects when you register, we also collect anonymous information passively using cookies. A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that is transferred from a website to the hard drive of your computer. The site administrator may then identify your computer and passively track its activities on the website. This unique number identifies your Web browser to SharedImpact Foundation Inc. computers whenever you visit one of the sites at SharedImpact Foundation Inc. A cookie will not let a website know any personally identifiable information about you.  SharedImpact Foundation Inc. uses cookies designed to let us know which particular computer you are using, but nothing more. SharedImpact Foundation Inc. generally uses cookies to remember your Web browser so we can offer and provide personalized services. We use cookies to store and sometimes track information about where a Web browser has visited on our Network of sites. We use cookies to save your passwords and preferences so that you will not have to re-enter them the next time you visit. We use cookies to measure traffic patterns. Without cookies, it could be difficult for us  to know which services are more popular than others. Cookies let us know whether a Web browser has seen a particular display. The use of cookies is now an industry standard, and they are currently used on most major websites. If you wish, you can reset your browser to tell you when you have received a cookie. You can also refuse to accept cookies altogether. While SharedImpact Foundation Inc. does not require you to use cookies, keep in mind that certain sites and services will not function properly if you set your browser to refuse all cookies.
When you register for a service within SharedImpact Foundation Inc., that information is collected and maintained solely by SharedImpact Foundation Inc., but be aware that we may have links on our sites that take you to other sites that may collect personally identifiable information about you. SharedImpact Foundation Inc. hopes that all third parties adhere to our policies regarding the privacy of our users. However, the SharedImpact Foundation Inc. Privacy Policy does not cover third-party data collection practices and SharedImpact Foundation Inc. does not assume any responsibility for any actions of third parties.
Any personally identifiable information you share with SharedImpact Foundation Inc. when registering for Products and Services at any of our sites is maintained and accessible only by SharedImpact Foundation Inc. unless specifically stated otherwise.
SharedImpact Foundation Inc. offers you the ability to opt-out of receiving information on SharedImpact Foundation Inc. updates and new services. If you wish to be removed from any mailing list, please send an email to
SharedImpact Foundation Inc. has security measures in place to attempt to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of your user data under our control. Only authorized employees have access to the information you provide. SharedImpact Foundation Inc. has strict rules on employees who have access either to the databases that store user information or to the servers that host our services. While we cannot guarantee that loss, misuse or alteration to data will not occur; we take precautions to prevent such unfortunate occurrences. We do not disclose or discuss our security measures. You are ultimately responsible for the security of your SharedImpact Foundation Inc. username and password. Please take care when using and storing them. SharedImpact Foundation Inc. recommends that you do not divulge your password to anyone. We will never ask you for your  password. You should log out of your browser at the end of each computer session to ensure that others cannot access your personal information and correspondence, especially if you share a computer with someone else or are using a computer in a public place like a library or Internet cafe.
Users of any demonstration version of SharedImpact Foundation Inc. products and services should be aware that not all representations made in SharedImpact Foundation Inc. technical descriptions may apply in demonstration mode. 

Welcome visitors from the EU: here is our Cookies Policy

Accepting Cookies
Your continued use of this site is taken as indication of your consent to the use of cookies.
EU regulations require us to get consent from you, the visitor, to use cookies. We use cookies to enable you to use our website effectively – e.g. to register and download documents and to distinguish you from other visitors – as well as to support us in managing our business - e.g. by analyzing visitor movements to see what interests them and help us improve the website.
We therefore hope you do consent to our use of cookies as otherwise, you will not be able to use our site satisfactorily and we do not want that. By continuing to browse our site we will assume that you consent to our use of cookies and we will ask for your formal consent when you register or download a document.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.
What cookies are used by SharedImpact Foundation, Inc.?
There are 3 types of cookies used on this website:
First Party Cookies
These cookies are used by us to provide a modern and comprehensive user experience. For example, if you are logged in, you can move around the site without having to log in on each page, and we will remember you when you return to the site. Or if you come to our site via a link from one of our partners’ sites, the cookie will enable you to take advantage of a special offer that the partner has arranged.
These are cookies set by the system, as required by the specific site.
In addition to those listed the Microsoft web server will set an ASP-Session cookie to distinguish visitors. 
These are all 'first-party' cookies, which means that overall they:
 do not tell the site owner information about the visitor that could not be obtained otherwise
 do not result in information being passed to third parties
'site referer'
When a visitor clicks on a link on another site to visit your site, the browser may tell your site which site they came from. This cookie holds on to this information so it can be used by subsequent pages.
For example, it could be used to give special offers to visitors from a particular site.
'table page referer'
When a visitor moves from one page to another within your site, this cookie remembers the last page they were on.
For example, this can be used to allow 'email a friend about this page' forms to work - identifying the page they were looking at.
When a visitor is logged in this stores a reference number identifying them.
'password hash'
When a visitor has logged in this is used in conjunction with the 'username' to allow them to move around the site without having to login at every page.
'security level'
A visitor's security level choice, used to control how long a user is logged in for and which page content a browser should remember.
'temp userid'
When a visitor is not logged in this number is used to associate all their pages requests.
Example: It can be used to provide visitors with a history of their searches within the site, to make their browsing experience in large sites easier.
'query embed cookies'
Used to personalise content for the visitor based on other pages they have visited within the site.
'sibling table data'
Used to personalise content for the visitor based on other pages they have visited within the site.
'noscript' ['17']
Used to identify whether the visitor's browser has scripting enabled, so the site can deliver an enhanced version of the content where scripting is possible.
'cookies enabled' ['18']
Allows the system to know the browser has cookies enabled.
'shopping cart id'
When a visitor adds items to a shopping cart, this identifies the cart.
Third Party Analytical Cookies
These are set by our analytics partners – Google, who give us statistics on site visitor numbers etc.
Cookies Set by Integrated Sites
YouTube is an example of an integrated site, as we have videos that are hosted by Youtube.
What if you do not accept cookies?
You will not be able to use the site properly nor will you be able to download any documents or data.
Most browsers allow you to control your cookie preferences.
More information about cookies?
Contact us by email at




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